Irrefutable patterns

Irrefutable patterns work just like you'd expect from a variable declaration, but they not only allow single variables, but deconstruction from composite structures, too.

// Definition for below
struct MyStruct {
  some_field: usize,
  another_field: usize

fn example() {
  // Simple variable
  let fun = 69;
  println!("{}", fun);

  // Tuple
  let tuple = (42, 69);
  let (first_element, second_element) = tuple;
  println!("{}", first_element);
  println!("{}", second_element);

  let demo_value = MyStruct {
    some_field: 42,
    another_field: 69

  // Deconstructing a struct
  let MyStruct {
    some_field: into_variable,
    another_field: into_another_variable
  } = demo_value;
  println!("{}", into_variable);
  println!("{}", into_another_variable);
fn main() { example(); }

Now that is pretty convenient already, but this would force you to define a variable for each element inside the structure you want to deconstruct. Luckily, Rust patterns have several ways to make it more convenient if you don't need all those values.

// Definition for below
struct MyStruct {
  some_field: usize,
  other_field: usize,
  another_field: usize

fn example() {
  // Tuple not capturing the middle element
  let (answer, _, leet) = (42, 69, 1337);
  println!("{}", answer);
  println!("{}", leet);

  let demo_value = MyStruct {
    some_field: 42,
    other_field: 69,
    another_field: 1337

  // Struct not capturing one field and using shorthand on another
  let MyStruct {
    some_field: struct_answer,
    other_field,     // capture into variable of the same name
    another_field: _ // do not capture this
  } = demo_value;
  println!("{}", struct_answer);
  println!("{}", other_field);

  // Struct only capturing a part of the fields
  let MyStruct {
    .. // don't capture other fields
  } = demo_value;
  println!("{}", another_field);
fn main() { example(); }

One question you might ask yourself is "So okay, these are patterns, but why are they called irrefutable? This means there also must be refutable ones, right?". And you are correct, there are refutable patterns!